What is free legal aid?

Who can get free legal aid?
Certain cases entitle you to free legal aid regardless of your income or assets. This applies, among other things, to various enforcement decisions, criminal cases, immigration cases.
In other cases, an unmarried person who has an income of over kr 246,000 annually, or hold a taxable asset of over kr 100,000 is not entitled to free legal aid. It is usually given an exemption for property value in excess of limits.
Households (married couples or partners) have to meet income levels in order to receive free legal aid. The gross income may not exceed kr 369.000. The capital limit is not increased accordingly.

Stenseth Law Firm

Households where the annual gross income is NOK 100,000 and/or greater, must pay a deduction of expenses in some cases when assistance exceeds 2 hours.
The proprietary share is 25% of the expenses where the minimum amount is one hour, kr 945 and up to kr 4,725.
Households where the gross income is below Kr 100,000, the free legal assistance will always be completely free.
Free legal aid will always always be completely free in those cases where free legal aid is granted regardless of income and property.
Free legal aid is generally granted to individuals and not to companies, associations or foundations.
Click here to read more about free legal aid.